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Showing posts from May, 2016

Why am I blogging?

Why am I blogging?  I have decided that I would like to share my stories about the places I have been since I did my first trip in 1963 to countries beyond the borders of  South Africa, where I was born. I have also devoted my life to my chosen profession, pharmacy. I was very active in the professional bodies representing pharmacy in South Africa and I still take an active interest in what happens in the profession. I am also very interested in the history of the pharmacy in South Africa and it concerns me that younger members of the profession are not aware of what has been achieved over the years by pharmacists who are no longer here, and who would probably also be perturbed about what is happening in this profession to which they were also so devoted. I have created a separate blog for the pharmacy- related issues about which I have written. I also have an interest in the history of my family, particularly the Wormald side of my family. I would like to make this histo...

My First Road Trip in the USA

2008     On Wednesday 13 August 2008, Joan Thomas and I commenced our road trip from Peachtree City to Colorado, via Niagara Falls and Canada. Joan, a recent newcomer to Peachtree City was introduced to me by my daughter Deidre. She is a few years younger than me, and also unattached. She owns a Buick 1995, and she does not mind driving long distances. She was born in Memphis, Tennessee, and has lived in a number of towns, which include Jackson, Mississippi, and Burlington, Iowa. If you know the movie, “The Bucket List”, you will understand when I say that she had a visit to Niagara Falls and a visit to Mackinaw Island, as well as Maine, on her List, while Maine and a road trip in the USA in general, were on mine. Although I have visited quite a few cities in the USA, I have always arrived by air, so have not really seen the surrounding country, or the rest of the various states in which they are located. During a conversation, when we were discussing where we had been and no...