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Showing posts from August, 2017

The Tim B Coincidence : One of several in my life

When I moved from Pretoria to Durban at the beginning of 1959 to attend pharmacy school I started to keep a record of my activities and my expenses in a diary that I have no recollection of how or from whom, it was acquired. It is a three-day per page book published by Abbott Laboratories, a pharmaceutical company, and it has a bright orange-brown cover. Some entries are brief, others are long, and some comprise only a name. This was the start of a habit I have maintained to this day. For many years I used an annual diary published by May and Baker; their diaries were the perfect size for my needs. Then I progressed to slightly larger ones published by Sabax. Then as I moved up the hierarchy over the years I was presented with desk top diaries, some even with my name engraved on the cover. The ultimate was a leather-bound Filofax. I knew I could not do better than that! Over the years I carefully stored the diaries in a box about 20 cm x 24 cm x 27 cm in size, then I needed a second ...